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It is the individuals and businesses in our community that make it possible for the Lady Vikings to enjoy playing and representing Lakeside High School. While Dekalb County Athletics provides minimal funding for lacrosse, the amount is unfortunately not enough to sustain a higher-caliber competitive program. The funds only cover referees and bus transportation to/from the games.

We invite you to become a part of the Viking tradition by becoming a sponsor. We are not only seeking
financial sponsorships, but also a long-lasting relationship with our sponsors. As such, we have several
different sponsorship opportunities from which to choose.
Please click here for more information
Thank you for your support! 

Thank you for your interest in the Lakeside High School Lacrosse program. The mission of the LHS Lacrosse Booster Club is to support the players, the coaches, and the school both on and off the field. We invite you to learn more about our booster club activities and how you can take an active role in the organization. Running a successful lacrosse program is expensive in both time and effort. We are lucky to have experienced and hard-working coaches. It is our responsibility as a booster club to make their coaching jobs as easy and rewarding as possible.
Contact us if you are interested in getting involved. We cannot do this without a lot of parent/guardian involvement.
Potential opportunities include:
o photographer
o spirit/team-building
o board membership
o end-of-year team banquet
o pre-game meals
o senior night
o statistician/score-keeper
o field maintenance
o PA announcer
o fund raising
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